Imagine this: you have a business that is suitable for becoming an Ad-Screen Host. You pay for 25 adverts on other hosts’ display screens, but you also receive 26.5% for hosting ads on your own screen. This means that you not only cover the cost of your advertising, but you also make a profit from it. You get paid to advertise your own business. How incredible is that!
Our web page directory is exclusive to our active advertisers and offers more details than other directories. Customers can access it from a QR code displayed on the video
SO… if you don’t have your own website, we will make your page in our directory, your actual physical web page that you can use to promote your own business, totally for FREE
Below are EXAMPLES of varying Ad-Screen Video Adverts. We can’t guarantee that hosts will have the volume turned on or be loud enough to hear so visuals are important
Choose a Standard month by month or a 6-month subscription with 10% discount. Pay a one-time video creation fee and get your video advert shown on one of the selected hosting sites and have your FREE web page included
You can opt to show your ad on more host sites or multiple times on the same site. You only pay the one-time video creation fee (unless you want a different video) and get a 12.5% discount per each video ad displayed
The host will play your video advert once every 30 or 60 minutes on a loop during their business hours. To increase the frequency of your advert display, choose two or four video adverts that are 15 seconds long
All Costs are Plus VAT where applicable. On signing the agreement, a recuring Direct Debit Mandate will be set up with GoCardless a 3rd party company. 50% of the video creation fee will be taken before commencement and the balance after completion. All monthly payments will be collected on or soon after the date the video is first displayed in the host site, and each month on-going until terminated
Don’t Miss Out on this exciting new opportunity to grow your business whilst helping your community and making a difference. Contact us today and join our digital Ad-screen network by clicking on the CHAT icon on the right and Stop Throwing Your Money in the Dustbin!!